The Compromise of 1850 consists of five laws passed in September of 1850 that dealt with the issue of slavery. In 1849 California requested permission to enter the Union as a free state, potentially. Define compromise: settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions compromise in a sentence Compromise definition, a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc. The Compromise of 1850 was a set of laws passed dealing with the controversial issue of slavery. Below are the resolutions created by Senator Henry Clay to bring. How can the answer be improved. compromise definition, meaning, what is compromise: an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change. Watch videoThe months before the Civil War were full of attempts at a compromise to avert it. Abraham Lincoln endorsed one proposal that would have immortalized slavery in the. The Compromise of 1850 was a group of five bills that were intended to stave off sectional strife that would eventually lead to the United States Civil War. The Compromise of 1850 was a package of five separate bills passed by the United States Congress in September 1850, which defused a fouryear political confrontation between slave and free states regarding the status of territories acquired during the MexicanAmerican War ( ). Missouri Compromise: Primary Documents of American History (Virtual Services and Programs, Digital Reference Section, Library of Congress) On this date in 1787, the Threefifths Compromise was enacted. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia that year accepted a plan determining a. A compromise is a way of settling differences by everybody making concessions. If you want to stay out until 10 and your friend wants to stay out until midnight, 11. Looking for online definition of compromise in the Medical Dictionary? Meaning of compromise medical term. Video embeddedFind out more about the history of Compromise of 1850, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. compromise synonyms, compromise pronunciation, compromise translation, English dictionary definition of compromise. The Great Compromiser, Henry Clay, introduces the Compromise of 1850 in the Senate. The giants Calhoun, Webster, and Clay had spoken. Definition of compromise in the Legal Dictionary by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Meaning of compromise as a legal term. Definition of compromise in the Idioms Dictionary. What does compromise expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Synonyms for compromise at Thesaurus. com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. The ThreeFifths Compromise was a compromise reached between delegates from southern states and those from northern states during. A classic compromise is an agreement in which all sides sacrifice something in order to improve on the status quo from their