Using the Metal Detector XVIII. As Sims 2 for DS operates in 'real time Get the IGN Games Newsletter Over 2 Million Served! Nov 23, 2008How do you charge your metal detector on the sims 2 for the DS? figured it out, i went down to the furnace to charge it, and then it said detector full. Oct 10, 2011Hi, I am playing the sims 2 on DS and need to charge my metal detector but not sure how, i have been to the furnace and it always tells me that detector is full! keep doing what the Frankie guy in the penthouse says and then he should tell you to get 3 metal bars in the desert then go to where the alien kid owns the store and. For The Sims 2 on the DS, a GameFAQs Answers question titled Where can I buy a metal detector. This page contains The Sims 2, qa, questions and answesr cheatsguru you go to the shop that has the man in it. click buy and there will be a metal detector if theres not one it means you have bought it or your not up 2 the task that. how do u get the metal detector. This page contains The Sims 2, qa, questions and answesr cheatsguru Aug 20, 2008how do i get the metal detector i keep on going to the store with the man and it is still not there i here i need a mission to get it what mission is it. Nov 16, 2007I think that this answer violates the Community Guidelines. Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more. Aug 15, 2007You get the metal detector when frankie asks you to gets 3 metal bars and use the metal The Sims 2 metal detector DS Games The Sims 2 metal detector. Jan 04, 2011how does our sim get teh metal detector on sims 2, ds Feb 19, 2008Best Answer: outsude of the hotel to the right, there is a store go inside and click on the green guy and buy it should be in there click the icon of the. Jan 29, 2007How do i get the metal detector unstuck? The Sims 2 Super Cheats Forums Get the latest The Sims 2 and more for Nintendo DS (DS). com has all you and use your Metal Detector in that area. For The Sims 2 on the GameCube, a GameFAQs Answers question titled How do you use the metal detector. I need help were do you get the metal detector if you know tell me! Thnx from zach cormier please answer anyone, The Sims 2 Questions and. The Metal Detector is a utility in The Sims 2. It costs 800 simoleons to buy from the Store and Jun 25, 2014Video embeddedWe buy a metal detector to dig up copper and silver bars for Frankie Fusilli. I'm really starting to get angry at that douche. How do I get the metal detector I go in the shop but it does not give me the option to buy it. , The Sims 2 Questions and answers, Nintendo DS