man runscript howto config documentation configuration. Seth Woolley's Man Viewer, Unix Manuals, runscript(1) runscript, runscript script interpreter for minicom man 1 runscript Jan 11, 2016Send AT command with a Script. I can install minicom on my board manually send AT command at ttyUSB3 on my iMX53 and control his answers for example. Mar 04, 2008They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to How to automate minicom using script. minicom friendly serial communication program for runscript(1), and the examples of SEE ALSO runscript Minicom send automate script. I need to run a script that write to inifinity at Minicom have S option for executing SCRIPT at startup time, so made a script. Feb 05, 2006Then i installed Minicom 2. 1 should be a reasonable piece of feedback on whether anyone here knows minicom scripts. Feb 15, 2011They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system run script in minicom. With runscript one can script minicom serial line sessions. I try to script the reception of a file transferred with ymodem. Minicom uses external programs for file. runscript script interpreter for minicom. runscript scriptname [logfile [homedir runscript is a simple script interpreter that can be called from within the minicom communications program to automate tasks like logging in to a unix system or your favorite bbs. runscript is a simple script interpreter that can be called from within the minicom communications program to automate tasks like logging in to a unix system or your favorite bbs. If you want to make your script to exit minicom (for example when you use minicom to dial up your ISP, Runscript should be built in to minicom. 1 in Tizin located at minicomman Toggle SH NOTES If you want to make your script to exit minicom (for example when you use minicom to dial up. RUNSCRIPT(1) script interpreter for minicom SYNOPSIS runscript scriptname The minicom source code comes together with two example scripts. com find submissions from example. com Automate Minicom Scripting run minicom o S script. minicom runscript: expect not catching command prompt. which I saw in one example somewhere. Issue seems unique to minicomrunscript in my development. This is a boring manual process which can be automated using minicom runscript feature. txt Apr 18, 2012Little script with minicom Send a file. but is possibile TOdo a script that automatically Run minicom. How to write a script file for minicom. I have searched the documentation for an example, Does anybody have a sample minicomrunscript script for loging onto a Aug 15, 2003Does anyone have a working minicom script they would care to Minicom Scripting UNIX for I couldn't find much on minicom here's a couple examples I. How can the answer be improved. runscript script interpreter for minicom SYNOPSIS If you want to make your script to exit minicom (for example whenyou use minicom to dial up your ISP,